Wonderful event today Zuhal! You should be so proud of all the things you have achieved with your campaign so far! x
Orsi, 02 April 2009 15:41
Hope you have a lovely time, you deserve it. And good luck for your gig at the Wigmore on Thursday!
Cein, 31 March 2009 18:29
In London's West End, free newspapers make up a quarter of ALL waste collected.
THE COUNTDOWN IS ON FOR BATTLEFRONT 2!"The countdown is on for Battlefront 2, with the launch day looming things are starting to hot up and it’s spring time! And whilst the weather outside might be ghastly thi..." Read More25 December 2009
UPDATE: ZUHAL AND IRAQ"Despite all the other good Christmas stuff going on, this week’s best news definitely comes from Zuhal. We can now confirm that our very own Iraqi wonder was out of the c..." Read More14 December 2009
Fuse Fest - 15th May!! and campaign update
"Hello hello hello people, The past few weeks have been crazy busy. I'll start off with more news about Fuse Fest: So It's finally happening next week Friday (15th May) at SOAS from 7 - 10pm I've got a Myspace group and a Fb group which you can both f..." 07 May 2009
Fuse Fest venue announced + First Confirmed Acts!!!
"Hello! So yes, you read right. Everything seems to be coming together. I told you to keep your eyes peeled and finally, I can announce with great pride that the venue of Fuse Fest shall be (drum roll please..) SOAS (University of London) For those of..." 08 April 2009
How Time Flies
"OK, so I'm going to start off light-heartedly with an apt little pun: Time flies like an arrow..fruit flies like a banana. Ok, now I have that out of my system I can proceed. The past month has been amazingly fast and busy. I have confirmed a venue f..." 02 April 2009
That's pretty. What is it?
It's a tag cloud. You put in things you want - things to make the world better, that is, not 'a sandwich' or something - and then they float about like meaningful clouds.
If you agree with one of the wants, click on it and it gets bigger. The more people agree, the bigger it gets. So it's basically the voice of the people in a special box, getting louder and louder.